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обзоры трендов, моды и показов от нью йорк таймс мэгэзин

28 декабря 2009, 03:52
Автор: buster

James Long RTW Spring 2010

Often called "the fashion bible," Women's Wear Daily serves as the voice of authority, international newswire and agent of change for the fashion, beauty and retail industries. First and foremost, WWD is dedicated to providing a balance of timely, credible business news and key women's fashion trends to a dedicated readership. This readership includes retailers, designers, manufacturers, marketers, financiers, Wall Street analysts, international moguls, media executives, ad agencies, socialites and trend makers. As the marketplace has become more complex, the need for information and competitive intelligence has become more acute. The common thread of our community is the business of style and fashion. What makes WWD the authority? Frequency, integrity, independence, spirited coverage and a long tradition that demands staffers get the story and get it first.



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