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Александр Лобанов

09 июня 2009, 23:23
Автор: buster

Aleksander Pavlovitch Lobanov, this is a brilliant piece of “Art brut “ which comes to us from Russia.
Those close to him tell how he became deaf and dumb at the age of six after suffering from meningitis.
He was born in 1924 in Mologa, a little town on the Volga which was flooded by the making of Lake Rybinsk
at the beginning of the 1940s. By 1937 he and his family had taken refuge in Iaroslavl.
Aleksander entered the psychiatric hospital in 1947.He was then transferred to Afonino’s hospital, in the vast Russian plain, where he spent more than 50 years for he died in 2003.

Сайт - http://aleksander-lobanov.com/index_gb.php


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