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Alain Kan – Et Gary Cooper S'éloigna Dans Le Désert...

28 августа 2011, 02:38
Автор: buster


Label:Les Disques Motors Catalog#: MT 44026 Format:Vinyl, LP, Album Country: France Released:1975 Genre:Rock Style:Psychedelic Rock, Glam

Alain Kan is a French singer born in Paris the September 14, 1944 and disappeared on April 14, 1990, as he was seen for the very last time inside the Parisian metro station Rue rue de la Pompe. His career started in the middle of the 1960's until the 1980's.
Its course was rather atypical, owing to the fact that his release were initially commercial or without wide artistic interest but then became gradually very original and creative, all while being marginalized. He was a precursor singer for not disclosing his homosexuality.


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