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09 января 2011, 00:16
Автор: buster

Год выпуска: 2003
Жанр: Документальный, музыка
Продолжительность: 00:54:05

Режиссер: Cherry Red

В ролях: The Exploited, The Vice Squad, The Adicts and many more

Описание: Subtitled 'A Film About Punks And Skinheads', "UK/DK" not only includes some excellent live footage and promos from the leading lights of the Britpunk scene, it also documents the era. Full of interviews with band members, street punks and Punk journalists, the film shows how being a Punk became not simply a trend but a way of life. The film features some of the Punk scene's most famed bands, such as The Exploited, The Vice Squad and The Adicts, and is a highly entertaining look at Punk in it's infancy. Also featured on the DVD is a documentary on the Holidays In The Sun festival in Blackpool, England from 1996.

The Exploited - Fuck The US
Vice Squad - Stand Strong Stand Proud
The Adicts - Joker in the Pack
Blitz - New Age
The Business - Bllind Justice
The Adicts - Viva La Revolution
Varukers - Soldier Boy
Chaos U.K. - No Security
Disorder - Life



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